Who is a Raver-Geriatric?
What is the Raver-Geriatric electronic mailing list?
You must be a confirmed subscriber to be able to post. As a result, there is no spam or advertising to wade through, and
is requested that we keep it that way. The opinions stated on Ravers-Geriatric are private communications among a
group and may not be used for any governmental purpose whatsoever without the express, prior, written consent of the
How do I get my spiffy bio on this site?
Welcome to the official Ravers-Geriatric website.
An RG is any person who is at least 25 years old and involved and/or interested in the
scene, whether as music-lovin' technohead or a full-blown, phat-pants-wearin',lollipop-suckin', PLURry raver. As you
imagine, we are some interesting and diverse people.
It is a centralized e-mail account through which each subscriber
communicates with the entire group. Discussion can be on anything one wishes to talk about, whether rave-related or not.
Parties, politics, PLUR, or potatoes- any subject is up for grabs as long as the person talking about it appreciates
techno/rave culture. The list hosts subscribers from all over the United States, from San Francisco to Boston, as well
as from Europe and South America.
What are the requirements for subscription to Ravers-Geriatric?
RG was founded by Jammin' James E. and is currently adminstered by T-Snake.
There are 4 absolute, yet easy-to-fulfill requirements for membership:
How did this list get started and where is it hosted?
As many enduring things, Ravers-Geriatric began as a bit of joke.
March 12, 1996, a 30-something raver known then as Jammin' James E. wrote a post to a crew of elderly ravers entitled
'Searchin' For Love in All the Wrong Places.' He had not dated anyone seriously for a year or so and was wondering how
people in his unique and frustrating social position were handling it. At the time, the fact that geriatric ravers might
other things in common (or not so common)was secondary.
Since such humble and humorous beginnings, with the excellent help of Brian Behelendorf, Ravers-Geriatric has been
placed on
Hyperreal.org's list-serve and grown to a subscriber base of over 100 people.
How do I join the list?
Send an e-mail message from the account you want subscribed to the address:
raverg-subscribe aaaaat hyperreal.org (replace aaaaat with @) with the subject line and body of the
left blank. Once you have been confirmed by the list-administrator, you may post your messages to the list by writing to
How do I get off the list?
Send an e-mail message from the same account from which you subscribed to the address raverg-unsubscribe@hyperreal.org, again with the subject line and
body of
the message left blank.
You can't any longer. Many are on Facebook now and there's a private group. If you're on list and care enough, you can
look it up and request to join. The bio purpose of this site has been better served with modern social networking done
(relatively) well.